
January 2, 2010

Happy New Year to you and yours from The Crew. Two thousand and ten wasn't our best year -- record wise, at least -- but we finished with a bang, posting a 10-4 record since Thanksgiving.

A couple thoughts from yesterday's bowl action:

- The Big Ten is embarrassing, and their new entry, Nebraska, was almost worse earlier in the week, getting hammered by slow, very limited Washington.

- No one can convince us that Oregon and Auburn are, without a doubt, better than TCU. The Horned Frogs are remarkably well coached.

- Alabama would have been really dangerous if there was a playoff. They got victimized by a brutal schedule that saw them play six consecutive teams coming off a bye to finish up the season. As we predicted in the preseason, that was going to be near impossible to overcome.

- The Carolina Panthers had a really good day yesterday. After getting blitzed by Miss St., Michigan is about to throw some serious coin at Jim Harbaugh, which makes it more likely that Andrew Luck will bolt for the NFL after the Orange Bowl.

- Urban Meyer is a colossal douche bag.


The Crew loves living in the 206. We love Top Pot Doughnuts, Belltown Pizza, Pike Place Chowder, Queen Anne, 70-degree summer days, the homeless guys who ask to use your cell phone, kayaking on South Lake Union, West Seattle golf course and Asians. We do not, however, like their sports teams, especially the Seahawks, who really, really rub. Charlie Whitehurst also really, really rubs. The Rams aren't exactly awesome, but they have a leg up in terms of quarterback and are actually playing some pretty good defense, with Chris Long leading the way coming off the end. St Louis -3.

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