
September 11, 2011

The Crew had a pretty disappointing day yesterday. The Super Play hit, with Washington and Hawaii easily sailing over the short number. Overall, however, we went 2-3, including Duke +21, which in retrospect was egregious and outrageous. Usually, West Coast teams traveling across the country rarely play well -- or at least as well as they are capable. But Stanford is not your usual team and Duke is unusually bad. It was a bad play.

Couple other thoughts from yesterday … A close game doesn’t equal a well played or even good game. The Michigan-Notre Dame ending was extraordinary, featuring three touchdowns in the final two minutes. The game itself, however, was poorly played. There were seven combined turnovers and both secondaries looked like they were on meth.

Also, South Carolina defensive lineman Melvin Ingram, who is listed at 6’2’’ and 280 pounds, may have had the best game ever by anyone anywhere. He ran for a 68-yard touchdown on a fake punt, scored again on a fumble return and, perhaps most amazingly, recovered a late Georgia onside kick. Again, that’s a defensive lineman who was one the hands teams.

Super Play of the Day

Cam Newton, who had a wonderful year last season leading Auburn to the BCS National Title and winning the Heisman trophy, played at Blinn junior college two years ago. Today he’s set to start his first NFL game. He might one day become a great player, but dude is not ready to win now, especially on the road, even against a rather pedestrian Arizona defense.

Arizona -6.5

Other plays

Eagles -3.5
Tampa -1

Super Plays: 2-1 (67 percent)
Overall record: 5-4 (56 percent)

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