
November 12, 2011

Bad Sunday for The Crew, who went 0-3, including getting burned on The Super Play by Jesus' favorite NFL player, Tim Tebow. We did slightly redeem ourselves Monday, giving out Valpo (+13), who back-door covered against Arizona to kick off the college basketball season in grand fashion. We still have tons of work to do, however, to be where we ultimately want to be by the time the football season ends.

Couple thoughts before The Super Play...

We don't want to delve too far into the sordid Penn St situation. We will say quite simply that the board of regents made the right decision in removing Joe Paterno, who through his inaction had lost the right to set the terms of his own departure.

Looking at the timeline involving Jerry Sandusky's actions, there were far too many coincidental events (Sandusky retiring at 55, for instance, in the prime of his coaching career in 1999, just after being investigated but not charged following his admission that he took a shower with a child) and far too many incidents over the years for Paterno not know some, at the very least, of what went on.

His contributions to the university and football program were extraordinary, yes. Penn St was basically a small agricultural college before he got there in 1949. Today, it has an endowment of over $1 billion. But that doesn't come close to absolving him for turning a blind eye to a string of sexual assaults involving children that happened right under his nose....

Speaking of Penn St., as of Wednesday, 95 percent of the action was on Nebraska (-3.5), according to Sportsbook.com. The Crew can't get involved in this game, feeling like doing so would almost be taking advantage of the victims in some sick way. That said, no way Penn St., which might be on an emotional high, is prepared from a schematic stand point to play today. Do with that what you wish...

On a lighter note, our CEO paid a visit to The Playhouse's favorite Division II school, Seattle Pacific on Friday. It was the Falcons, of course, who provided us with perhaps the greatest sports moment of 2011 when they beat the University of Arizona last month in Tucson. Go Devils...

For close to a decade, Miami and Florida St was the best, most intense rivalry in all of sports. It made Ravens-Steelers look like a pillow fight. Certain members of The Crew, in fact, would sooner have punched their mothers in the face than miss it. Today, they play in Tallahassee and no one cares...

The Crew came across an fascinating stat concerning Oklahoma wide receiver Ryan Broyles, who last week suffered a season-ending ACL injury. Landry Jones never threw an interception in 109 attempts when targeting Broyles. He'll be missed, and the Sooners' injuries are making us regret out guarantee last week that they will take out Oklahoma St later this month...

Super Play of the Day

The forecast for Pullman, Wa. tonight calls for temperatures in the low 30s with an 80 percent chance of snow. Half of Arizona State's roster probably has never seen snow, let alone played football in it. This will be an ugly low scoring game. Total is way too high.

ASU-Washington St under 61

Other Plays

Miss St. +17.5
Auburn +12

Super Plays: 9-10-1
Other Plays: 29-32-1

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