
The Assassin

Jack Tatum passed away this week, succumbing to a heart attack. He was 61 -- and won't be missed, mostly because he was a miserable guy.

Tatum, a defensive back for the Raiders, was one of the most ferocious hitters or his era, the most memorable of which coming in 1978, when he viciously hit New England wide receiver Daryl Stingley during a preseason game. Stingley was paralyzed after breaking two vertebrae. He never walked again and later died from his injuries.

Tatum, who was nicknamed The Assassin, refused to apologize, always pointing out that he wasn't flagged on the play or suspended by NFL.

True. But let's say someone in our crew ran over an otherwise innocent 12-year old girl who was jay walking in the street. Technically, the driver wouldn't be at fault; they didn't break any laws. It, however, take a world-class douchebag not to feel remorse or want to apologize.

Jack Tatum: great football player, terrible human.

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